Business is C2B and not B2C
As a business person we all are aware about the two words like B2B and B2C.Business to business (B2B)
Business-to-business means one business selling their products to another business like raw materials and products in wholesale. In B2B the quantity of products sold and purchased is large. In general, in B2B, one business states it's requirements and the other business fulfills the demand of the first business.
Business to customers (B2C)
B2C means business to customers. it means the business or the retailers selling their products directly to the end customers. In B2C, the business offering the products to the customers and if that product fulfills some requirements of customers then customers purchase that product.
The C2B Concept
Customers have certain requirements and all the products are not fulfilling their all the requirements. As you can see, the B2B and B2C business practices are fulfilling only the majority of requirements of its customers and not fulfilling all the needs of their customers.
In such situations, customers are always trying to switch to the products who fulfills their maximum requirements and in this situation the loyalty towards products or brand are not achievable by the businesses and organizations.
If customers switching to other products then businesses have to find new customers for their products and by doing so they are maximizing their expenditure on marketing activities.
There are primary two objectives of marketing activities, the first is to retain the existing customers and second is to maximize implied demand.
Now consider an organisation which always trying to get feedback from their customers and which is working according to its customer's requirements and trying to provide products which fulfills all the requirements of its customers, then in such environment, the customers are susceptible to be loyal to the organization and trying less to find another products which fulfills their all the requirements.
This kind of business philosophy is known as C2B.
If an organisation follows this kind of philosophy then it can save huge expenditure on marketing of its retain part and also saves the time of its customers and of its own.
C2B philosophy has several other inherent advantages also.
In today's highly competitive environment, the philosophy of customers to business C2B is more helpful for businesses who are trying to sustain and prosper.
Proven entrepreneurs in the present era are always advocating the business philosophy of C2B.....